Nancy M. Stark
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 See The Artwork



Large format, slightly abstracted, watercolor and acrylic, some with found objects; the train paintings focus on shapes, patterns, textures, lines and colors illuminated when railroad cars are viewed in strong sunlight. The pieces give a sense of the large scale of their subject while examining detailed views of smaller bits and pieces that are of interest to the artist. Inevitable rusting and wearing that results from life on the tracks is incorporated rather than ignored. 



These mixed media assemblage and collage pieces tell the stories of our past using a combination of found objects, paper memorabilia, and heirloom photographs to trigger sensory memories. Discarded and left behind objects are carefully collected and combined in a way that invites you to linger in a moment of wistful affection for the past.





Sunlight and strong cast shadow will occasionally draw attention to a new painting subject. These can be people, buildingd, boats or………..